Palindrome Linked List Code Studio

Palindrome Linked List Code Studio. Given a singly linked list of size n of integers. If they are same then it is a.

Palindrome Linked List Code Studio

The input linked list prior to the checking process should be identical to the list after the checking. The number of nodes in the list is in the range [1, 10 5].;

You Are Given A Singly Linked List Of Integers.

1) get the middle of the linked list.

0 ≪= Node.val ≪= 9.

The number of nodes in the list is in the range [1, 10 5].;

I Form Another String With Elements In Reverse Order.

Images References :

2) Reverse The Second Half Of The Linked List.

A linked list is a palindrome if it reads the same from.

You Are Given A Singly Linked List Of Integers.

Your task is to return true if the given singly linked list is a palindrome otherwise returns false.

The Naive Approach Here Would Be To Run Through The Linked List And Create An Array Of Its Values, Then Compare The Array To Its Reverse To Find Out If It's A.